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  • Published: 28 November 2013
  • ISBN: 9780141963747
  • Imprint: Penguin eBooks
  • Format: EBook
  • Pages: 208

Last Plays

In Good King Charles's Golden Days: a true history that never happened. A discussion play; the issues of nature, power and leadership are debated between King Charles II ('Mr Rowley'), Isaac Newton, George Fox and the artist Godfrey Kneller.

Buoyant Billions: a comedy of no manners.

Farfetched fables. Shaw's thoughts simplified.

Shakes vs. Shav. Puppets portray Shaw and Shakespeare. The play comprises a comic argument between the two playwrights, an intellectual Punch and Judy.

Why She Would Not. His final play.
%%%In Good King Charles's Golden Days: a true history that never happened. A discussion play; the issues of nature, power and leadership are debated between King Charles II ('Mr Rowley'), Isaac Newton, George Fox and the artist Godfrey Kneller.
Buoyant Billions: a comedy of no manners.
Farfetched fables. Shaw's thoughts simplified.
Shakes vs. Shav. Puppets portray Shaw and Shakespeare. The play comprises a comic argument between the two playwrights, an intellectual Punch and Judy.
Why She Would Not. His final play.

  • Published: 28 November 2013
  • ISBN: 9780141963747
  • Imprint: Penguin eBooks
  • Format: EBook
  • Pages: 208

About the authors

Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw was one of the greatest 20th Century dramatists. He wrote over 60 plays, including Arms and the Man (1894), Man and Superman (1903), Pygmalion (1912-13) and Saint Joan (1923). In addition, he also authored five novels and two collections of short stories. He is the only person to have been honoured with both a Nobel Prize for Literature (1925) and an Academy Award (1938, for Pygmalion). Shaw was offered a knighthood, but turned it down, as he refused most awards. He died in 1950, aged 94.

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