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Rights Agents

Brazil & Portugal

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Seibel Publishing Services Ltd
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Phone: +351 234 382283
E-Mail: patricia@patriciaseibel.com

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Fax: +49 89 366 372
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Read N Right
PO Box 18905
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E-Mail: nike@readnright.gr

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Read N Right
PO Box 18905
341 00 Chalkida GREECE

Phone: +30 221 29798
E-Mail: nike@readnright.gr

Hungary (Adult)

Petra Olah
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Szerb u. 17-19.

Phone: +36 1 456 0313
E-Mail: Petra@kataibolza.hu

Hungary (Young Readers)

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Katai & Bolza Literary Agents
H-1056 Budapest
Szerb u. 17-19.

Phone: +36 1 456 0313
E-Mail: Petra@kataibolza.hu

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Fax: +62-21-5421 7768
E-Mail: santo.maxima@gmail.com


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Phone: +972 2 5633237
E-Mail: efrat@thedeborahharrisagency.com

Italy (Adult)

Clementina Liuzzi
Clementina Liuzzi Literary Agency
via Filippo Casini 6
Scala B int. 10
00153 Roma

Phone: +39 06 69331440
E-Mail: clementina@litag.it

Italy (Young Readers)

Clementina Liuzzi
Clementina Liuzzi Literary Agency
via Filippo Casini 6
Scala B int. 10
00153 Roma

Phone: +39 06 69331440
E-Mail: clementina@litag.it

Japan (Adult)

Exclusive representation

Miko Yamanouchi
Japan Uni Agency, Inc.
Tokyodo Jinbocho No. 2 Bldg.
1-27 Kanda Jinbocho Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 101-0051, Japan

Phone: +81 3 3295 0301
E-Mail: miko.yamanouchi@japanuni.co.jp

Japan (Young Readers)

Non-exclusive representation

Noriko Hasegawa
The English Agency
Sakuragi Bldg, 4F, 6-7-3 Minami-Aoyama
Minato-ku, Tokyo 107

Phone: +813 340 65385
E-Mail: noriko@eaj.co.jp

Solan Natsume
Tuttle-Mori Agency (Japan)
2-15 Kanda Jimbocho
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101

Phone: +813 323 04081
E-Mail: solan@tuttlemori.com

Maiko Fujinaga
Japan Uni Agency
Tokyodo Jinbocho No.2 Bldg
1-27 Kanda Jinbo-cho,Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 101-0051

Phone: +813 3295 0301
E-Mail: maiko.fujinaga@japanuni.co.jp

Mari Koga and Akiko Mieda
Motovun Co. Ltd., 
Coop Nomura Ichiban-cho #103
15-6 Ichibancho Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 102-0082

Phone: +81 (0)3 3261 4002
E-Mail: koga_motovun@mbd.ocn.ne.jp

Korea (Adult)

Exclusive representation

Seoyoung Oh
BC Agency
3F Youngjun B/D(annex),
205-6, Donggyo-dong,
Mapo-Gu, Seoul 121-819

Phone: +82-2-3143-2896
E-Mail: english@bcagency.kr

Korea (Young Readers)

Non-exclusive representation

Jihyun Hwang
Shinwon Agency - Childrens
47, Jandari-ro
Mapo-Gu, Seoul 121-893

Phone: (822) 335 6388 (ext. 206)
E-Mail: children@shinwonagency.co.kr

Seyoung Chon
The Agency SOSA – Childrens
Changuimunro 5 gil 7-6
Jongro-Gu, Seoul 110-817

Phone: (82) 070 4318 7743
E-Mail: seyoung_chon@hotmail.com

Ha Young Choi
The ChoiceMaker Korea Co. (Seoul Office)
B1 (Lower Ground Level), Goldman Bldg, 142-5, Donggyo-ro,
Mapo-Gu, Seoul 121-842

Phone: + (82 2) 322 3464
E-Mail: young@thechoicemaker.com

Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Georgia

Kristine Shatrovska & Tatjana Zoldnere
Andrew Nurnberg Associates Baltic
Agentura Gramma
PO Box 77
Riga LV1011

Phone: + 371 750 6495
E-Mail: anab@anab.apollo.lv


Marcin Biegaj
ANAW - Warsaw
ul. Fort Służew 1/41,
02-787 Warszawa,

Phone: 0048228244181
E-Mail: marcin.biegaj@nurnberg.pl


Adriana Marina
Simona Kessler International Copyright Agency
Str. Banul Antonache 37
011663 Bucharest 1,

Phone: + 40 21 316 4806
Fax: + 40 21 316 4794
E-Mail: office@kessler-agency.ro


Ludmilla Suskova
Andrew Nurnberg Associates Moscow
Stroenie 6, Suite 72, 21 Tsvetnoy Blvd,
Moscow 127051

Phone: +7 095 229 7025
E-Mail: ludmilla@lit-agency.ru

Spain + Latin America (incl. Mexico and Argentina)

Beatriz Coll
RDC Agencia Literaria 
Fernando VI 13-15 3º D 
28004 Madrid

E-Mail: beatriz.coll@rdclitera.com


Whitney Hsu and Joanna Chan
Andrew Nurnberg (Taiwan)
8F, No. 129, Sec. 2 Zhongshan N. Rd
Taipei 10448

Phone: +886 2 2562 9008
E-Mail: whsu@nurnberg.com.tw

The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Finland & Iceland

Monique Oosterhof
MO Literary Services
Spechtstraat 72
1012 VW Amsterdam
The Netherlands

E-Mail: mo@moliterary.nl

Turkey (Adult)

Amy Spangler
AnatoliaLit Agency
Caferaga Mahallesi,
Guneslibahce Sok., No: 48 Or.Ko. Apt., B Blok D: 4, 34710
Kadikoy, Istanbul,

Phone: +90 216 530 11 8
Fax: +90 216 530 11 8
E-Mail: amy@anatolialit.com

Turkey (Young Readers)

Dilek Akdemir
AnatoliaLit Agency
Caferaga Mahallesi,
Guneslibahce Sok., No: 48 Or.Ko. Apt., B Blok D: 4, 34710
Kadikoy, Istanbul,

Phone: +90 216 700 1088
Fax: +90 216 700 1089
E-Mail: dilek@anatolialit.com