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  • Published: 4 January 2016
  • ISBN: 9780099282280
  • Imprint: Vintage Classics
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 192
  • RRP: $30.00

The English Teacher

R. K. Narayan is one of India's most valued and adored twentieth-century novelists. He takes his place alongside Graham Greene, Elizabeth Bowen and Chekhov in the pantheon of twentieth-century greats.

Krishna, an English teacher in the town of Malgudi, nagged by the feeling he's doing the wrong work, is nonetheless delighted by his domestic life, where his wife and young daughter wait for him outside the house every afternoon. Devastated by the death of his wife, Krishna comes to realise what he really wants to do, and makes a decision that will change his life forever.

  • Published: 4 January 2016
  • ISBN: 9780099282280
  • Imprint: Vintage Classics
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 192
  • RRP: $30.00

About the author

R K Narayan

R K Narayan's writing spans the greatest period of change in modern Indian history, from the days of the Raj - Swami and Friends (1935), The Bachelor of Arts (1937) and The English Teacher (1945) - to recent years of political unrest - The Painter of Signs (1976), A Tiger for Malgudi (1983), and Talkative Man (1987). He has published numerous collections of short stories, including Malgudi Days (1982), and Under the Banyan Tree (1985), and several works of non-fiction.

Also by R K Narayan

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Praise for The English Teacher

Narayan wakes in me a spring of gratitude, for he has offered me a second home. Without him I could never have known what it is like to be Indian

Graham Greene

Narayan’s humour and compassion come from a deep universal well, with the result that he has transformed his imaginary township of Malgudi into a bubbling parish of the world


In his humour and compassion, Narayan comes close to being a twentieth-century Indian Chekhov

Sunday Telegraph

RK Narayan's Malgudi novels are humorous gems and it is a great pity that they are not better known. He wrote beautifully and with great compassion, something regrettably lacking in some humorous writing

Alexander McCall Smith

An idyll as delicious as anything I have met in modern literature for a long time. The atmosphere and texture of happiness, and, above all, its elusiveness, have seldom been so perfectly transcribed.

Elizabeth Bowen

Few writers since Dickens can match the effect of the colourful teeming that Narayan's fictional city of Malgudi conveys

John Updike

Revisiting it at the age of 40 I find in it so many beautiful and moving things... In Narayan's hands even the torture of the mind is so untortured; the conversations and descriptions so unadorned as to give the impression of words flowing like blood or air through one's body

Ardashir Vakil, Guardian
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