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Dr Simon Rowley

Dr Simon Rowley

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Dr Simon Rowley is a senior consultant neonatologist at Auckland City Hospital (originally National Women’s Hospital) with teaching links to Starship.

Training first in Dunedin and Christchurch, Rowley completed his postgraduate studies at the University of Oxford, UK. He also ran his own general paediatrics private practice in Auckland for 30 years, looking after children of all ages, and was visiting paediatrician for Plunket family centres over that same time. He is chair of the Paediatric Vocational Training Committee for the Auckland and Northern Region and a Director of Physician Education.

One of Rowley’s specialist areas is neonatal brain development, and he is both a trustee and presenter for the Brainwave Trust; others include early childhood behavioural and developmental outcomes, and medical ethics. In particular, he is interested in how we make decisions about end-of-life care in the vulnerable, sick or newborn infant.

Rowley is an honorary lecturer at the University of Auckland School of Medicine, and a recipient of the Dennis Pickup Clinical Educator Award (2014) and a Distinguished Clinical Teacher Award (2015).

He is married with four adult children and lives in Mt Eden, Auckland.

Books by Dr Simon Rowley

Mind That Child

An unforgettable, insightful and deeply humane memoir from a New Zealand paediatrician who has committed his life to the care and wellbeing of young people.

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