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Gavin Chait
Photo Credit: © David Fisher

Born in Cape Town in 1974, Gavin Chait emigrated to the UK nearly ten years ago. He has degrees in Microbiology & Biochemistry, and Electrical Engineering. He is an economic development strategist and data scientist, and has travelled extensively in Africa, Latin America, Europe and Asia and is now based in Oxford. His first novel, Lament for the Fallen, was critically acclaimed (Eric Brown in the Guardian called it ‘a compulsively readable, life affirming tale’). Our Memory Like Dust is his second.

Books by Gavin Chait

Our Memory Like Dust

Resonating with today's headlines, the author of the acclaimed Lament for the Fallen looks to a future at once tainted with despair but buoyed up by hope in his second, extraordinary novel - a must-read for fans of Lauren Beukes and Nnedi Okorafor as much as David Mitchell, Michel Faber and Emily St John Mandel.

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Lament for the Fallen

Perfect for fans of David Mitchell, Michel Faber and J G Ballard, this darkly compelling literary debut tells a thrilling story that is shot through with hope and a transcendent sense of wonder.

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