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Rana Foroohar

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RANA FOROOHAR is an assistant managing editor and columnist at Time magazine, reaching a readership of 50 million in both print and digital editions. Foroohar also speaks to hundreds of millions of television news viewers around the world every week as CNN’s global economic analyst. She has her own weekly radio show, Money Talking, on New York City’s public radio station WNYC, and is a frequent commentator on NPR, as well as CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, and the BBC. She has appeared numerous times on programs such as Real Time with Bill Maher, Face the Nation, This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Fareed Zakaria GPS, and MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Prior to coming to Time, Foroohar spent thirteen years at Newsweek as an economic and foreign affairs editor. She has received awards and fellowships from institutions such as the German Marshall Fund, the Johns Hopkins School of International Affairs, the East-West Center, and the Newswomen’s Club of New York (best columnist, 2013). She is also a frequent speaker to high-level corporate and academic audiences.

Books by Rana Foroohar

Don't Be Evil

A TIMES CURRENT AFFAIRS BOOK OF THE YEAR. The biggest business story of our time: the threat that Big Tech poses to our democracies and economies

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Makers and Takers

Award-winning business journalist Rana Foroohar taps into the populist sentiment that rages today, showing how the influence of the Wall Street establishment on American business has resulted in a system that is rigged against the average American.

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