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Tim Spector
Photo Credit: (c) Peter Schiazza

Tim Spector is a professor of genetic epidemiology at King's College London and honorary consultant physician at Guy's and St Thomas’ Hospitals. He is a multi-award-winning expert in personalised medicine and the gut microbiome, and the author of four books, including the bestselling The Diet Myth. He appears regularly on TV and radio around the world, and has written for the Guardian, BMJ, and many other publications. He is the lead researcher behind the world’s biggest citizen science health project, the COVID Symptom Study app. This free tool has been used by nearly 4 million people in the UK, US and Sweden to diagnose themselves without testing. It has confirmed new symptoms and risk factors for the virus, allowing scientists to monitor its progress and warn health authorities.

Books by Tim Spector

The Food For Life Cookbook

The essential cookbook companion to gut-health expert Tim Spector's #1 bestselling Food For Life

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Food for Life

Your essential guide to eating well from the gut-health expert and publishing phenomenon

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One of the world’s leading scientists of food and nutrition reveals why so much of the current advice about food and nutrition is dangerously inaccurate, misleading and often downright wrong.

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