Captain Corelli's Mandolin
- Published: 31 October 2011
- ISBN: 9781446499207
- Imprint: Vintage Digital
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 560
Captain Corelli's Mandolin achieves that rare feat of saying something new about war...fusing with remarkable felicity the cosmic and the tragic, the lyrical and the epic... And without offering easy answers, it poses difficult questions about love and suspicion, trust and betrayal, faith and despair, creativity and destruction
André Brink, Times Literary Supplement
Captain Corelli's Mandolin is a wonderful, hypnotic novel of fabulous scope and tremendous, iridescent charm - and you can quote me
Joseph Heller
A master of haunted realism. His best novel yet. He deals with death and love and tragedy... This is a novel to be prized
Daily Mail
A tall tale and a serious work of literature…its reputation suggests that one "should" read it, and so far I would have to agree
Nigel Rodenhurst, Times Higher Education
A true diamond of a novel, glinting with comedy and tragedy
Daily Mail
A wonderful epic has made him a name to conjure with. Both on the large and the small scale it is an absorbing and memorable book...the sweep, invention and warmth of the novel carries one effortlessly along
Derwent May, The Times
An emotional, funny, stunning novel which swings with wide smoothnes s between joy and bleakness, personal lives and's lyrical and angry, satirical and earnest
An enthralling tale of endurance and passion, full of emotional intelligence
Charles Spencer, Daily Express
Hypnotic...a vast tapestry woven in tiny, colourful, intricate detail...a graphic and moving commentary on the futility of war. This magical book stayed in my head long after I had finished it
Marian Keyes
Louis de Bernières is in the direct line that runs through Dickens and Evelyn Waugh...he has only to look into his world, one senses, for it to rush into reality, colours and touch and taste
Evening Standard
Stunning... A high-spirited historical romance...remarkable.
New York Times Book Review