- Published: 11 August 2016
- ISBN: 9781473547667
- Imprint: Vintage Digital
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 144
Fizzing with allegory, symbolism and surprises
The Times
The Age
It is hard to imagine the literary landscape without Angela Carter. Hers is a legacy that extends way beyond the bounds of her own work
I can't think of anyone who is at that pitch of intellectual commentary, fictional experimentation and fullness of expression. I'm not a patch on her. Jesus, I wish I was
Ali Smith
Its autobiographical stories set in Japan, where she had gone to live with a Japanese lover, give off a direct and poignant emotion. They show her changing, too
Daringly and dangerously erotic, exploring the dark recesses of female sexuality
Still remarkable for their darkly allusive imagery...this collection displays the same slightly chilling morality as her early novels
Exotic and sensuous
Sunday Times