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- Published: 28 February 2014
- ISBN: 9781407047843
- Imprint: Penguin eBooks
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 352
George's Secret Key to the Universe
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- Published: 28 February 2014
- ISBN: 9781407047843
- Imprint: Penguin eBooks
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 352
Gripping, informative and funny
The Bookseller
A terrific page-turner that will be a revelation to every young reader who has ever looked into the skies and wondered
Education Today
A delightful book for young readers
A true beginner's guide to A Brief History of Time
Publishers Weekly
It is like a Dr Who adventure, inspiring curiosity and amazement. It makes a case for the relevance and fascination of physics, and for the importance of scientists and eco-warriors working together to save the planet. With a happy circularity, the plot depends on a recent discovery: Hawking Radiation, the leaking of particles out of black holes until they destroy themselves
The Sunday Times