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  • Published: 4 October 2012
  • ISBN: 9781448147762
  • Imprint: Ebury Digital
  • Format: EBook
  • Pages: 336

Is God an Illusion?

The Great Debate Between Science and Spirituality

Deepak Chopra and Leonard Mlodinow enter the territory of Stephen Hawking and Richard Dawkins, with a remarkable, highly topical, discussion on two opposing worldviews.

Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Stephen Hawking have had a major impact on the loud and popular debate between 'aggressive atheists' and religion. The huge sales of their bestselling books show just how much interest people have in their ideas.

Now Deepak Chopra is entering this debate, sparring with leading physicist, Professor Leonard Mlodinow (the co-author, with Stephen Hawking, of The Grand Design).

In Is God an Illusion?, Chopra argues that there is design in our universe and a deep intelligence behind life. Without defending organised religion, he debunks randomness as an explanation for how Nature evolves and shows how consciousness comes first and matter second.

On the other side, Mlodinow argues the viewpoint of science, specifically what modern quantum physics can tell us about our world. In his view, physics, genetics and cosmology will shed far more light on the big questions than rethinking ancient spiritual concepts can ever do.

A major work of our time, Is God an Illusion? will not only offer more food for thought for those fascinated by the two sides of this modern conundrum - it will also place Deepak Chopra firmly in the ring of some of the most remarkable, and bestselling, thinkers of our era.

  • Published: 4 October 2012
  • ISBN: 9781448147762
  • Imprint: Ebury Digital
  • Format: EBook
  • Pages: 336

About the authors

Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra is acknowledged as one of the world's greatest leaders in the field of mind-body medicine and a prolific author of over forty books. Time magazine named him one of the 100 heroes and icons of the twentieth century and dubbed him 'the poet-prophet of alternative medicine'.

Leonard Mlodinow

Leonard Mlodinow is the best selling author of The Drunkard's Walk, Subliminal and Elastic. He co-authored two books with Stephen Hawking and later wrote an acclaimed memoir, Stephen Hawking, about their time together. He has written for television, including multiple episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, as well as helping Steven Spielberg and Robin Williams make a video game. There are now over one million copies of Leonard Mlodinow's books in print.

Praise for Is God an Illusion?

Leonard Mlodinow is a lucid thinker and engaging writer

Stephen Hawking

Deepak Chopra did an excellent job ... this is an interesting and provocative book which will be read and talked about for a long time

Hans Peter Duerr, Max-Planck Institute
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