Martin Hawes is New Zealand’s most widely-known and trusted finance adviser and writer, whose many successful financial and investment books are written for the layperson.
His book Family Trusts has sold well over 120,000 copies. He is a popular media figure, seminar presenter and keynote speaker. An authorised financial adviser, Martin and his partner, Joan Baker, run wealth coaching for individuals and couples.
In addition, he holds a small number of independent, non-executive directorships. He has previously written for the National Business Review, The New Zealand Listener, the Accountants' Journal, North & South, The New Zealand Herald and the Herald on Sunday.
See his personal website at
Martin’s bestselling books encompass long-term life planning, maximising financial potential in the earning years, and knowing the ins and outs of the various players and products of the finance industry. Down-to-earth advice is illustrated by practical example, in helping Baby Boomers and future generations prepare for financially secure and personally enriched retirement years.
Amanda Morrell, writing for, praised Hawes’s direct and accessible approach, writing: ‘As a book geared to general audiences, you won't find the usual financial jargon and intimidating equations for wealth creation. Instead, Hawes works with the basics and impresses upon readers the importance of the building blocks as a means to reaching one's goals.’
Martin’s titles include: Letters to Aston — lessons learned from a lifetime of investment; Investing for Twenty Good Summers; The School of Home Truths; Financial Secrets: The Guide to Everyday Finances; Shares — seven ways to beat the market; Eight Secrets of Investment Success; Five Ways to Save More Money on Your Mortgage; Successful Super — your money life-line to financial freedom; Save Money on Your Mortgage; Property Investment — a strategy for success; Family Trusts — a New Zealand guide; The NZ Investment Guide; and The Money Map.
Martin lives in Christchurch.