A bouncing, read-aloud rhyme about all the things a child can be, from the nation's favourite illustrator, Quentin Blake!
"Here is SIMPKIN
Simpkin FAST and Simpkin SLOW
Simpkin HIGH and Simpkin LOW"
Simpkin is a mass of contradictions. He can be nasty and nice; weak and strong and sensible and silly - ALL at the same time! And when you really need him most - he's nowhere to be found . . .
"Blake is beyond brilliant . . . I've never met a child who doesn't love Quentin Blake" - Daily Telegraph
Quentin Blake is one of Britain's best-loved and most successful author-illustrators, and was made the first Children's Laureate in 1999. He has won the Whitbread Award, the Hans Christian Andersen Award for Illustration, and the Kate Greenaway Medal. among others.