The Orchid Thief
- Published: 1 September 2010
- ISBN: 9781409078463
- Imprint: Vintage Digital
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 368
A lesson in the dark, dangerous, sometimes hilarious nature of sometimes don't want to read on, but find you can't help it
USA Today
Artful... In Ms. Orlean's skillful handling, her orchid story turns out to be distinctly 'something more.' Orchids, Seminole history, the ecology of the Fakahatchee Strand, the fascination of Florida to con men... All that she writes here fits together because it is grounded in her personal experience... [Her] portrait of her sometimes sad-making orchid thief allows the reader to discover acres of opportunity where intriguing things can be found
New York Times
Fascinating... Tales of theft, hatred, greed, jealousy, madness, and back-stabbing... An engrossing journey
Los Angeles Times
Irresistable... A brilliantly reported account of an illicit scheme to housebreak Florida's wild and endangered ghost orchid. Its central figure is John Laroche, the 'oddball ultimate' of a subculture whose members are so enthralled by orchids they 'pursue them like lovers
Minneapolis Star Tribute
Like the orchid, a small thing of grandeur, a passion with a pedigree... The Orchid Thief shows [Orlean's] gifts in full bloom
New York Times Book Review