The True Colour of the Sea
- Published: 30 July 2018
- ISBN: 9781760143329
- Imprint: Penguin eBooks
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 224
An elegant collection, muscular and subtle, from one of the best writers in Australia.
The Weekend Australian
With his narrative inventiveness, and the deft combination of a light touch and dark sensibility, Drewe offers a fresh perspective on oceanic themes - freedom, cleansing and renewal along with their obverse of entrapment, muck and danger. Playful undercurrents and perilous rips of eroticism run through these tales.
The Saturday Paper
[Drewe's stories] are dark but they are thrilling, and they roll along, taking the reader into marvellous places on the face of the Earth, as well as biting into truly terrible parts of the mind, the heart and the spirit.
The Weekend Australian
Colin Roderick Award
Winner • 2019 • Colin Roderick Award
Queensland Literary Awards
Shortlisted • 2019 • University of Southern Queensland Steele Rudd Award for a Short Story Collection