- Published: 18 April 2016
- ISBN: 9780141981765
- Imprint: Penguin Press
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 304
- RRP: $30.00
Zero Waste Home
The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Life
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- Published: 18 April 2016
- ISBN: 9780141981765
- Imprint: Penguin Press
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 304
- RRP: $30.00
Wise and sharply written . . . what ultimately makes her message so compelling is that her stripped back life looks fun as well as worthy.
Ben Hoyle, Times
Johnson is an incredible advocate for her lifestyle . . . refreshingly honest
Chic, charming, stylish
Bea Johnson is a guru of zero-waste living. The book is precise . . . simple yet deep. It doesn't preach.
Sunday Times
The priestess of waste-free living
The New York Times