It's like a vegetable, we all like it and it starts with a B. Can you guess what it is?
MAKES: a whole family's worth
- 500 grams small white potatoes, washed
- ⅓ cup mayonnaise
- ⅓ cup Greek yoghurt
- 1 teaspoon lemon zest
- ½ teaspoon honey
- ½ cup chives, finely chopped
- Salt and pepper
- Equipment: colander
Drop your potatoes into a saucepan filled with lightly salted, cold water. Make sure the potatoes are completely covered . . . they should look like they’re swimming!
Place the saucepan over a high heat. Then, once the water starts bubbling, let them cook until you can easily poke a fork through one. Drain them in a colander and set aside to cool.
In a large serving bowl, mix together the mayonnaise, yoghurt, lemon zest, honey and chives to make a dressing.
When the potatoes are completely cool, cut them into halves and add them to the dressing bowl. Mix everything together so all the potatoes are covered in yummy dressing.
Season with salt and pepper and add more lemon zest if you like. Time to enjoy your Botato Salad!
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