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  • Published: 1 August 2007
  • ISBN: 9781905211081
  • Imprint: Random House Business
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 256
  • RRP: $39.99

Building Agreement

The perfect follow-up to GETTING TO YES

Whether you're negotiating with an angry boss or a difficult colleague - or, indeed, a stubborn teenager - you can learn to use your emotions to help you achieve the result you want.
BUILDING AGREEMENT show you how to control the five 'core concerns' that motivate people:
- Express appreciation for what others think, feel or do
- Build affiliation and turn an adversary into a colleague
- Respect autonomy in others and gain autonomy in return
- Acknowledge status and simultaneously establish your own worth
- Choose a fulfilling role during the process of negotiating
Using the latest research of the Harvard Negotiation Project, the group that brought you the groundbreaking book Getting to Yes, this is a superbly practical guide to mastering essential negotiating skills.

  • Published: 1 August 2007
  • ISBN: 9781905211081
  • Imprint: Random House Business
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 256
  • RRP: $39.99

About the authors

Roger Fisher

Roger Fisher is the Samuel Williston Professor of Law Emeritus, Director of the Harvard Negotiation Project, and the founder of two consulting organizations devoted to strategic advice and negotiation training.

Daniel Shapiro

Daniel Shapiro, Associate Director of the Harvard Negotiation Project, teaches negotiation at Harvard Law School. He is an advisor to the International Criminal Court, and has also been on the faculty of the Sloan School of Management at MIT. He is the co-author (with Roger Fisher) of Beyond Reason:Using Emotions as You Negotiate (2005).

Praise for Building Agreement

Written in the same remarkable vein as Getting to Yes, this book is a masterpiece...I truly enjoyed it and felt edified by it.

Dr. Stephen R. Covey, author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The book is both profound and easy-to-read, based on a wide range of research and first-hand experience in negotiation. There is no interaction setting - public, professional or personal, local or international - where its recommendations will not be applicable.

Elise Boulding, Professor Emeritus at Dartmouth University

Over a lifetime of study and practice, Roger Fisher has transformed what we think about negotiation. His and Daniel Shapiro's new book extends this work in novel and insightful ways...a must read for anyone who negotiaties, which is to say for all of us.

Elena Kagan, Dean, Harvard Law School and former associate counsel to the U.S. President
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