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  • Published: 3 February 2012
  • ISBN: 9781877460432
  • Imprint: RHNZ Adult ebooks
  • Format: EBook
  • Pages: 192

Hyperventilation Syndrome (Rev Ed)

Breathing Pattern Disorders and How to Overcome Them

The expert guide to a range of health issues caused by poor breathing.

The expert guide to a range health issues caused by poor breathing.

Do you sometimes experience panicky feelings for no apparent reason? Do you experience tingling sensations in your lips or fingertips - or both? Do you frequently feel 'spaced out' or find it hard to concentrate at work? Do you sometimes feel breathless for no apparent reason? Have you ever been accused of being a hypochondriac? Has your self-confidence taken a nose dive?

If so, you are not alone. 12% of the population suffers from hyperventilation syndrome in varying degrees and experience distressing fears along with the puzzling array of symptoms that accompany bad breathing.

This new expanded and updated edition of this classic book contains a workbook section to help the reader identify how their stress levels, sleep and symptom patterns interrelate with each other. Also included are a number of personal stories from people who have been identified as chronic hyperventilators and who have overcome the problems by using the drug-free methods outlined in this book.

  • Published: 3 February 2012
  • ISBN: 9781877460432
  • Imprint: RHNZ Adult ebooks
  • Format: EBook
  • Pages: 192

About the author

Dinah Bradley

Dinah Bradley is the author of the bestselling Hyperventilation Syndrome: Breathing Pattern Disorders and, with Tania Clifton Smith, Breathe, Stretch, and Move: How to Beat Workplace Stress and Dynamic Breathing: How To Manage Your Asthma. She also co-authoured Multidiscilpinary Approaches to Breathing Pattern Disorders a text book for clinicians. With Tania, she co-founded Breathing Works (www.breathingworks.com), the first independent Breathing Pattern Disorders clinic in Australasia, and they have developed the internationally reconised BradCliff® Breathing method. Reviewing Dynamic Breathing in Healthy Options, the reviewer identified the authors’ ‘sound advice’ as making the book ‘a motivational gem’. A respiratory physiotherapist with over 25 years’ experience, Dinah is recognised by medical practitioners around the world as an expert on hyperventilation. There is a blog, via the website, and a BreathingWorks account on Facebook.

Also by Dinah Bradley

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