All you need to know about Yuval Noah Harari's new book 21 Lessons for the 21st century, which covers today's urgent issues from terrorism to fake news.
1. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century is Yuval Noah Harari’s third book and published in August 2018.
2. His previous books are both global phenomena: in Sapiens he writes about the past, and in Homo Deus he writes about the future. In 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, he looks at the here and now, helping us to focus our minds on the essential questions we should be asking ourselves today.
3. 21 Lessons will examine some of the world’s most urgent issues, including terrorism, fake news and immigration
4. He'll also turn his attention to more individual concerns, from resilience and humility to meditation.
5. Harari says of 21 Lessons:
"My new book will aim to answer the overarching question: what is happening in the world today, what is the deeper meaning of these events and how can we individually steer our way through them? The questions I aim to explore will include what the rise of Trump signifies, whether or not God is back, and whether nationalism can help solve problems like global warming."