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  • Published: 15 December 1991
  • ISBN: 9780679732457
  • Imprint: Knopf US
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 304
  • RRP: $49.99

The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge

New to Penguin Classics and Rilke's only novel, it is a powerful coming of age study

This is the definitive, widely acclaimed translation of the major prose work of one of our century's greatest poets -- "a masterpiece like no other" (Elizabeth Hardwick) -- Rilke's only novel, extraordinary for its structural uniqueness and purity of language. First published in 1910, it has proven to be one of the most influential and enduring works of fiction of our century.

Malte Laurids Brigge is a young Danish nobleman and poet living in Paris. Obsessed with death and with the reality that lurks behind appearances, Brigge muses on his family and their history and on the teeming, alien life of the city. Many of the themes and images that occur in Rilke's poetry can also be found in the novel, prefiguring the modernist movement in its self-awareness and imagistic immediacy.

  • Published: 15 December 1991
  • ISBN: 9780679732457
  • Imprint: Knopf US
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 304
  • RRP: $49.99

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About the author


RAINER MARIA RILKE (1875-1926) is widely regarded as one of the greatest poets of the twentieth century. His works include Duino Elegies, The Sonnets to Orpheus, and Letters to a Young Poet.


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