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Article  •  3 December 2019


Gift guide 2019: books for ages 3 -6

Give the gift of time to your little one and choose one of these gorgeous picture books to read together and treasure this Christmas.

Kiwi Legends series

David Hill and Phoebe Morris's stunning series explores the remarkable stories of local legends. From climbing mountains, to pioneering  journeys across sea and sky, to making amazing fossil discoveries; there's something in these books to inspire every little Kiwi. 

Hairy Maclary Treasury

The Hairy Maclary Treasury is the complete collection of Hairy Maclary's mischievous and mad adventures, which children will love to read over and over again. 

Where The Wild Things Are

Has your little one been introduced to Max and the wild things yet? Make this Christmas a wild rumpus they won't forget with Maurice Sendak's classic tale. 

Granny McFlitter, the Champion Knitter and Granny Mcflitter, a Country Yarn

Brandishing her knitting needles and always ready to save the day (first at a beach clean up and then at an A&P show), NZ's favourite knitting granny is the perfect companion for a fun and lively read along. 

Featured Titles

First to the Top
Meet Sir Edmund Hillary, a shy but determined beekeeper from New Zealand who dreamed of being the first person to climb to the summit of Mt Everest, the world's tallest mountain.
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Speed King
Meet Burt Munro, an unknown, elderly New Zealander whose obsession with setting a world land-speed record at Bonneville on his ancient Indian motorcycle made him a Kiwi legend.
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Sky High
Meet Jean Batten, the brave, trail-blazing and glamorous aviator, who strove to set new records in death-defying solo flights across the world.
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Hero of the Sea
Meet Peter Blake, the famous New Zealand yachtsman, who won the world's most famous yacht races and worked to help save the world's precious waterways.
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Dinosaur Hunter
Meet Joan Wiffen, a super-determined, self-taught palaeontologist, and join her on the hunt for the fossils that will prove New Zealand once had dinosaurs.
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Hairy Maclary Treasury
A special edition of the Hairy Maclary Treasury to celebrate the raggedy rascal’s 40th birthday! This volume brings together all ten of his mischievous and mad adventures, along with a link to download the audio book.
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Where The Wild Things Are
This best-selling classic now comes with an audio CD read by Tom Hollander.
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Granny McFlitter, the Champion Knitter
Based on true events, a lively picture book about a sprightly granny who knits warm jumpers for little blue penguins after the oil spill following the wrecking of the Rena, with illustrations by the winner of the Storylines Gavin Bishop Award.
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Granny McFlitter: A Country Yarn
Granny McFlitter, the champion . . . bull fighter?
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