A fierce, funny and utterly captivating book to read with your book club.
In Amazing Grace Adams, Grace is one bad day away from saving her life. She doesn’t scream or break something or cry or curl into a ball. She simply abandons her car in traffic and walks away. Walking towards her life, towards her daughter who has banned her from her party, towards the husband divorcing her, and towards their crumbling family life . . . Grace is about to remind everyone that she was once – and still is – amazing.
Discussion points and questions
- What would you say were the key themes of the book?
- What was your favourite part of the book/what was your least favourite?
- Did you race to the end, or was it more of a slow burn?
- Which scene has stuck with you the most?
- Do you think the blurb gave you the correct impression of the book?
- What did you think of the book jacket? Do you think it’s an accurate representation of what the book is about?
- Did this book remind you of any other books? Or did Fran’s writing remind you of any other authors’ work?
- Are there lingering questions from the book you're still thinking about?
- What did you think about the heroine, Grace?
- How important do you think Grace’s age and the fact that she is going through menopause are to the overall plot and feel of the book?
- Which character did you relate to, or empathize with, the most? If you didn’t relate to them did it impact your enjoyment of the book?
- Do you think the setting played a big role in the story?
- What was your overriding emotion when reading Amazing Grace Adams?
- What surprised you most about the book?
- How did your opinion of the book change as you read it?
- How did you feel when you finished the book?
- Would you recommend the book to anyone? And if so, who?
- Can you describe the book in a sentence?
- Generally, what would you make you pick up a book from a debut author? Is it splashy bookshop displays, press reviews, other authors’ quotes on the cover, outdoor adverts?