- Published: 29 May 2017
- ISBN: 9780143770480
- Imprint: Penguin eBooks
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 336
Pieces of You
- Published: 29 May 2017
- ISBN: 9780143770480
- Imprint: Penguin eBooks
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 336
I found it to be compelling, challenging, and heartbreaking, but very real. It handles teen issues with grace and sensitivity but doesn't shy away from honesty.
Katherine Granich, Tots to Teens
Eileen Merriman’s debut YA novel Pieces of You is the kind of book you want to read in one sitting because it is so breathtakingly good. It is like a globe artichoke: sweet, layered, bitter. . . . this is an acute reading experience. It feels utterly real. It does not smudge the tough stuff. It is kaleidoscopic in both emotion and everyday detail. Detail that animates the lives of two teens. . . . Eileen writes with such a flair for dialogue, for family circumstances, for teenage struggles and joys. This is the kind of book that will stay at the front of my mind all week and longer – I recommend it highly.
Paula Green, Poetry Shelf
. . . really well done and sensitive . . . beautiful and tragic at the same time . . . a really good book . . . a controversial book
James Russell, Radio NZ
Welcome to New Zealand author Eileen Merriman’s debut YA novel, Pieces of You, which could well become one of the biggest local YA books of the year. It’s intelligent, literate—chapter headings reference classical and contemporary books—without becoming too scholarly, it’s pertinent, witty when it needs to be, thought-provoking and relatable.
Dionne Christian, NZ Herald
She absolutely nails the 15/16-year-old teenage girl mentality: the obsessive self-consciousness, the mood swings, the narrow focus on this very second of time and the belief that it’s all about them. . . The love interest in the story will keep the pages flying for many readers, I imagine. And here, again, Merriman’s acute observation and awareness of teen mentality comes to the fore. It all feels very real and fresh . . . what makes this novel fresh is her focus on the minutia of the teens’ lives and her awareness of teen mentality.
Denis Wright, The Sapling
This is quality New Zealand fiction for the young adult reader in your family. . . . Merriman captures the highs and lows, insecurities and the search for purpose as a young adult navigates their way into adulthood. A very honest, relevant and sometimes raw, novel.
Wairarapa Times-Age Weekend
This tragic teen romance is so compulsively readable it's hard to believe this is Kiwi writer Eileen Merriman's first published novel. . . I defy anyone to put Pieces of You down once they have started it. Not since John Green's 2012 novel The Fault in Our Stars have I read anything quite so tragically sweet.
Diane McCarthy, Eastern Bay Life
This book was nothing but a brilliant piece of young adult literature and I am so glad that I was able to have the chance to read something that brought a fraction of my teenage reality to life. I've never come across a novel that has been able to pin point specific issues that teenagers struggle with every day and has been able to resolve it in a way that doesn't leave you feeling frustrated and ripped off. I'd like to personally award Eileen Merriman for writing the most accurate and unbelievably heartfelt young adult debut EVER!
Ella Fleming, Words of Euphoric Nostalgia bookblog
Eileen Merriman creates genuine teenage characters . . . If anything is taken away by the reader from reading this book, it's understanding the importance of consent . . .The permeation of daily student life and goals makes Pieces of You so understandable, and therefore enjoyable, for the average teenage reader. . . . Merriman really knows what she's doing when developing Rebecca's (or Becs, as Cory calls her) and Cory's relationship, with heartstring-tugging lines that make you wish you were in the story. . . . it really is the metaphorical journey and the relationships of the characters within the novel that make this book worth reading.
Flora Fan, NZ Books
Pieces of You is the typical YA coming-of-age novel that surprisingly offers more than a cliche. Not least, it is uniquely set in a familiar setting of Auckland. Eileen Merriman creates genuine teenage characters – one aspect within the YA genre that often feels lacking or underdeveloped, and so is much appreciated when done right. . . . Regrets, anger, new beginnings, you name it – they’re all there. Even though, in this sense, Pieces of You doesn’t offer anything particularly new, it really is the metaphorical journey and the relationships of the characters within the novel that make this book worth reading.
Flora Fan, aged 16, hookedonbooks.org.nz
Storylines Notable Book Award
Awarded • 2018 • Notable Book
New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults
Shortlisted • 2018 • NZ Awards for Children and Young Adults