- Published: 31 August 2021
- ISBN: 9780143775416
- Imprint: Penguin eBooks
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 304
Black Wolf
- Published: 31 August 2021
- ISBN: 9780143775416
- Imprint: Penguin eBooks
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 304
Eileen Merriman has created a gripping plot with complex issues presented with plausible medical and psychological details. There are many scenes where the reader is made aware of the difference between what characters are saying and what their real intentions are. The group’s ability to read thoughts (and the methods the Foundation develops to control their ability) adds to the tension, especially as the reader becomes aware of the Foundation’s full duplicity. The result is a fast-moving, multi-layered story with characters you care about.
Trevor Agnew, The Source website
I’d been looking forward to reading Black Wolf, the second in the ‘Black Spiral’ Trilogy, after devouring the first book, Violet Black, so I began reading with a palpable sense of excitement. I was not disappointed! . . . Black Wolf is utterly absorbing and riveting. I read it one sitting as I just couldn’t put it down, and I imagine other readers – both teenagers and older – will have the same response. Black Wolf deliverers a page-turning, thrilling read, with just the right balance of steamy romance and high action thrills, all the while exploring deeper themes of love and loss and finding our place in the world. When is the final book in the trilogy publishing? Hopefully, we won’t have too long to wait.
Karen McMillan, NZ Booklovers
Action-packed from beginning to end, prepare yourself for a gripping, and sometimes terrifying story of a futuristic world on the brink of destruction. . . . Will everything fall to pieces? Hooked from the start, this was a question I found myself asking very often throughout my read of Black Wolf. Or actually, I was probably more like when will it fall to pieces? Merriman takes you on a rollercoaster ride with climate change, science and romance all playing their part. . . . Black Wolf was an engrossing story with interesting characters and a fast-paced and dynamic plot. For anyone 14+, who enjoys a lot of drama!
Savarna Yang, Hooked on NZ Books, Read NZ
I gobbled up the first book, Violet Black, in Eileen Merriman’s The Black Spiral Trilogy, in two greedy sittings. The book has suspense, gritty characters, vital borders between good and evil, porous ethics, romance. When I closed it I felt bereft – knowing how long I had to wait to read the next volume. . . again I felt bereft when it ended and, in the same breath, utterly satisfied with the rollercoaster, heart-pounding story arc. . . . On the one hand this is a struggle of good versus evil, but even more compelling, it is the interior struggle of two teenagers wanting to make good choices, wanting to care for fellow human beings, to work for the good of the whole rather than the benefit of the greedy individual. This is not easy. Being a teenager is not always easy. There is unbearable kindness. There is sex, there are drugs, there is romance. Relationships to unravel. There is mystery. The medical issues and implications. Eileen’s sentences flow like honey. The dialogue is pitch perfect. I care so much about the characters . . . I don’t want to go giving everything away – you just need to find a comfort corner and board the exhilarating ride with its spiky twists and turns, gathering in strength, kindness, empathy.
Paula Green, Poetry Shelf
Black Wolf could have become too complex, but Merriman holds it all together with her carefully mapped timelines, believable characters and a firm grasp of the dystopian dramatics. The narrative, like in book one, continues with first person accounts, allowing our characters to interpret their own experiences. This is just as well for all around them swirls destruction, falsities and "corkscrew truth," where villains wear blocking devices to stop their intentions being read, use "pods" for experimentation and threaten with NET scans and electrotherapy. With more detailed coverage of characters from book one, a deepening plot and a startling new setting, Black Wolf is engrossing. While it could be read as a standalone novel, it would be more sensible to read in order, especially to understand the science fiction elements. Despite the insidious machinations, Merriman leaves an overarching impression of fun. While Violet and Phoenix are defending their own lives, inversely they also seem to be enjoying their escapades. We will wait to see, in the forthcoming Black Spiral, if indeed the Foundation can possibly be stopped in its tracks.
Jessie Neilson, Kete.co.nz
Aimed at young readers, this is a great read, every bit as thrilling as Violet Black. Can't wait to read the last one.
Ann Kilduff, Hawke's Bay Weekend
Watching them hone their skills and leaps into other bodies and even other’s minds was thrilling to read, even with a reveal at the conclusion that was somewhat expected. Regardless, No.3 Black Spiral is keenly anticipated for March 2022. Who has control? Violet and Phoenix or The Foundation?
Adele Broadbent, Whatbooknext.com
Storylines Notable Young Adult Fiction Award
Awarded • 2022 • Notable Book Award